Monday, March 5, 2012

One of my Best

I'm missing the cables to my scanner, it's been a furious search for them. More updates when I finally find them.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Everything is Everything Else

 In the ebb and flow of the universe, the same particles create the largest suns and the smallest grains of sand; it is as if the quantum forces penetrate down into the very essence of reality. Chaotically (or not), the existence of reality perpetuates itself through the combinations of physical matter and "negative space," a concept which contemporary art embraces and explores. We know now that there really is no such thing as empty space; tiny quantum forces are always present such as something known as back wave radiation. The waves, forces, and particles are always moving as if commuting through a cosmic Grand Central Station; I wonder if we will ever truly understand their true destination.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Floating Above

If the weight of chaos drags you down, certainly tranquility will force you to rise above. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Man in Chaos

Sometimes everything feels like a disaster and other times it feels beautiful. I attempt to survive regardless.

Nas's First Album

When people shut you out and close doors on you you've got to maintain this mentality.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Existence within Reality or inspite of it?

Trying to find a balance between the exterior world and the interior world, I feel sometimes as if I'm stuck in this cube that remains unchanged despite the progress I see all around me.


I don't do things like this too often. I wonder if the time I spend on a drawing is more important than its actual content. Also, working this way was probably driving me slightly insane.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Which Way is Up?

I couldn't decide which direction I liked this one better, I think it helps to see the world from different angles.

Monday, January 16, 2012

What of These Lines?

Sometimes I forget to pay attention to what I'm doing and I end up with compositions like these.

Island of the Mind

There is no fear in being alone. A paradise to some can be a prison to another.

Can't Think Straight

I have made many mistakes in life. I realize I cannot separate myself from them but live on in spite of them. This exists as a failed attempt to consider myself apart from the disorder and that although I tried to remove myself from the perversion of a certain lifestyle, I remain connected through thoughts and memories. It is the idea of self against the world and that is where this drawing fails because I have learned that the self is an integrated and necessary function of existence.  

Recovery is Tedious

Some days it feels as though the contours are always in a state of fluctuation and the most menial and simple of tasks can take the greatest amount of energy. Also, confusing the temporary for the permanent can lead to a neglect of good. Crab walking can be fun though.

A Burned Tree

Someday all that exists will be burned in cleansing fire. It is not a question of if we should fear this fire, but a question of if we ever really appreciated the things where they exist and for exactly what they are. It has been said that there are many things out in the world to see but there exists a great more within to discover and enjoy as we progress through both life and death.